Vecka 06 Fredag 7 februari Grattis Rikard, Dick
EUR 11.31 -0.01 -0.009
GBP 13.58 0.03 0.028
USD 10.96 0.06 0.056
BÖRSEN 17:30

Börskursen på vår hemsida visar indexet Cboe SE 30 som representerar de 30 största svenska bolagen.
Detta index följer OMXS30. Kurserna är 15 minuter fördröjda. Siffrorna levereras av Millistream.


Technology Initiative results in new customers

EMAB in Forsheda installed a brand new laserline last fall. "The Technology Initiative puts us at the forefront," says CEO Anders olive.

The closing of the books for 2012 showed very good results-again. Not just in Forsheda but within the entire EMAB-group.
"We faught the recession, increased capacity and have boosted our technology. It has become a virtuous cycle for us, says CEO Anders olive.

Laser cutting and edge bending on the cutting edge

Forsheda focuses on edge bending and laser cutting, which early on was in the forefront of laser technology. Last fall we installed a brand new laserline and since 2011 two new edge presses have been in production.
In 2012 we have implemented better business tools and platforms in both Forsheda and Anderstorp.

How do customers perceive the improvements?
"We've focused on becoming talented suppliers, that is to say, one hundred percent delivery reliability, quality and technical support. This has meant that we have been given increased confidence among existing customers but also a new customer who has become our greatest, says Anders.

New edge press. Advanced technology linking both fiber laser and edge pressing through a single software. The staff's expertise in CAD/CAM is a given when recruiting.

New major customer in the automotive industry

EMAB had previously had only a small percentage of customers in the automotive industry, but with the new technology in-house we felt that the time had come to open up for more. With this new automotive industry customer we will be producing an emission control system for trucks that will be mandatory on new vehicles according to EU requirements taking effect in 2014.
-Much of this business is all about timing. We got the right customer at the right time. We expect to be up to full speed with this project IN January 2014, "says Anders.

The focus of activity in Forsheda is laser cutting and bending, even though we also have excenter presses and automatic presses in our machine park. Here we are loading sheet metal into our automatic fiber laser.

Competitive power with advanced technology

That one managed to land this desirable account is attributed to EMABs diversity of everything from laser cutting and bending to prototypes and pro-series tools that maintain production runs.

We also use the latest technology which makes us competitive," says Anders.

It is about fiber laser's advantages in comparison to older techniques. Cutting speed becomes twice as fast and energy consumption is cut in half. In addition, service and maintenance is much more advantageous.

Bent and ready to go. Highly accurate laser-cut and edge bent details.

New equipment for 3D measuring

The automatic loading system attached to the fiber laser allows the for maximum results.
-In about a week, we will also implement an advanced measuring machine that allows us to deliver protocols from 3D measurements. In the past we have posted this but it is a distinct advantage to be able to offer this in-house. This equipment provides us with such a capability that we will also be able to sell other measurement services, says Anders.

Text & photo: Gabriella Mellergårdh




EMAB Sweden AB

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