Vecka 06 Lördag 8 februari Grattis Berta, Bert
EUR 11.31 -0.01 -0.007
GBP 13.58 0.00 0
USD 10.95 0.05 0.051
BÖRSEN 17:30

Börskursen på vår hemsida visar indexet Cboe SE 30 som representerar de 30 största svenska bolagen.
Detta index följer OMXS30. Kurserna är 15 minuter fördröjda. Siffrorna levereras av Millistream.


Cutting Edge Technology

Verktygssvetsarna AB is the first Swedish company to use this new technology, a 300 W LED laser that can handle a wide range of welding.

- It provides a higher precision, higher capacity and better quality of welding. In many cases the process is more than twice as fast with a LED laser. For example, you will notice the biggest difference when welding larger projects, says Martin Ericson, the owner of Verktygssvetsarna AB in Gislaved.

Highest precision and flexibility

A typical laser welding is normally done at 150 W. Previous laser welds have been done at 300 W, but have only been used on larger projects. LED laser can handle the entire range and the digital controller provides the highest of accuracy. In addition, LED laser is a semi-mobile welding station, providing flexible work opportunities.
- Lead times are minimized significantly, says Martin Ericson.

Jörgen Söderström was recently hired by Verktygssvetsarna in Gislaved.

Our new prototyping technician

Around the same time as LED laser was introduced, Verktygssvetsarna took the chance to expand their staff with Jörgen Söderström, who previously worked as a toolmaker and prototype technician at Isaberg Rapid.

- Jörgen helps us to increase the capacity and flexibility of welding. He has extensive experience and competence. He strengthens our team and service to our customers, says Martin.

High tempo in the shop

Verktygssvetsarna during the first five years of operation has a stable foundation. Verktygssvetsarna has new objectives for the future.

- We will improve technology, capacity and improve profitability. The tempo in the shop is high at the moment, we have a lot to do, says Martin Ericson.

The new LED laser welder offers higher precision, better quality and is faster and more effective.

We sell laser welding wire

Another novelty is that Verktygssvetsarna has now started selling its own laser welding wire. They began producing for their own use because they could not buy the specific quality they wanted, and now the demand has spread among their customers.
- We match Uddeholms basic product range, says Martin Ericson.

Text & photo: Gabriella Mellergårdh


Snabb hjälp vid verktygsbekymmer

Den nya AlphaLasern har toppat effektiviteten hos Verktygssvetsarna. Nu har man planer på ytterligare investeringar i ett nytt värmebehandlingssystem.

Ökad produktivitet med ny teknik

Nya maskiner, nya material och nya svetstekniker - Verktygssvetsarna i Gislaved trappar upp konkurrensen i ett internt kunskaps- och kompetenslyft.



IVG Verktygssvetsarna AB

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